If you are not familiar with the KonMari method of tidying up and organizing I highly recommend picking up one of her books. Her newest book spark joy was just released a couple of days ago and builds nicely on her first book the life-changing magic of tidying up.
After reading her first book last year I was personally inspired to keep only the things that sparked joy in my life. It truly was life changing! I donated a few car loads of items that just weren't providing joy for me and it was a breath of fresh air for me and my family.
I scanned my family's photos years ago and I'm currently paused on going through the rest of my memorabilia {whoops that's a big no no}. I was curious to see what Marie had to say about photos specifically in her new book.
I thought Marie made some great points on narrowing down the amount of photos you keep but finding it heartbreaking to see a photo go just because you didn't look your absolute best. I love the idea of putting an album together with a limited number of photos to have handy to look at but shed a tear to think the rest of the moments will end up in a paper bag sprinkled with a tiny bit of cleansing salt and let's face it in the city dump.
That's why I believe in scanning your photos, keep them digital. It's the perfect solution. The middle ground. Her tips on putting them in order are spot on and when they are scanned you can have them in digital folders by year keeping you organized. Once they are digital you can stream them to your TV and watch the slideshow as a movie night or just have it playing in the background to catch your eye now and then. A beautiful solution to your precious memories that you may forget if you didn't have those tiny photos as reminders.
Receive 20% off your photo scanning order with discount code KONMARI click here to get started.